Supplier Expo
November 17
27th annual training conference for public sector procurement professionals
Meet potential customers and develop business relationships
Present products and services in a lively, well-attended venue
Admission to any four workshops and lunch
Expo is not open to the public - you must purchase a booth to participate
Contact Cidna Unger, Expo Director with any questions at:
Phone: 804-225-4045
Email: cidna.unger@dgs.virginia.gov
View Expo Diagram View Registered Suppliers
Check in at Registration Desk outside Exhibit Hall A
Set-up: 6:00 -11:00 am
Sessions: 8:30 - 9:30 am
Session 9:45 -10:45
Lunch: 11:15 am – 12:30 pm
Expo Hours: 1:00 - 3:30 pm
Sessions: 3:45 - 4:45 pm
Tear-down: 3:30 – 5:00 pm
Registration Package: includes program, participant list, name tags and two lunches per single booth; four lunches per double booth. Lunch must be purchased for each additional booth representative. (See Extra Lunch above)
Booth Amenities: includes drape partition, skirted table, chairs and display sign.
Premium Booth area includes carpeting. Single booth is 10x10. Double booth is 10x20.
Booth Assignments: are first come-first served and are made ONLY after payment is received.
Contact Cidna Unger, Expo Director for booth assignment 804-225-4045 or cidna.unger@dgs.virginia.gov
Event Services Order Form
To order electrical or telecommunication services directly from the Virginia Beach Convention Center for the Expo use this link:
Shipping Materials: Expo materials can be shipped before the Forum - drayage fees apply. Contact Kris Peter (540) 362-3940 ext 115 at Hollins Exposition Services for details. www.hollins-expo.com
Booth Registration
You will be contacted with booth designation
Booth Registration Fee
Standard Single Booth - $550 SOLD OUT!
Deluxe Single Booth - $650 SOLD OUT!
Premium Single Booth - $750 SOLD OUT!
Extra Lunch - $35 Two lunches are included with the single booth registration.
Additional booth representatives must purchase lunch.
Call: Sarah 540-231-0990
Standard Booth Double - $1,100 SOLD OUT!
Deluxe Booth Double - $1,300 SOLD OUT!
Premium Booth Double - $1,500 SOLD OUT!
The Virginia Beach Convention Center 1000 19th Street Virginia Beach, VA, 23451 - November 16-18